Monday, May 25, 2020
Standard English Definitions and Controversies
In the entry for Standard English inà The Oxford Companion to the English Language (1992), Tom McArthur observes that this widely used term...resists easy definition but is used as if most educated people nonetheless know precisely what it refers to. For some of those people, Standard English (SE) is a synonym for good or correct English usage. Others use the term to refer to a specific geographical dialect of English or a dialect favored by the most powerful and prestigious social group. Some linguists argue that there really is no single standard of English. It may be revealing to examine some of the presumptions that lie behind these various interpretations. The following comments--from linguists, lexicographers, grammarians, and journalists--are offered in the spirit of fostering discussion rather than resolving all the many complex issues that surround the term Standard English. Controversies and Observations About Standard English A Highly Elastic and Variable Term [W]hat counts as Standard English will depend on both the locality and the particular varieties that Standard English is being contrasted with. A form that is considered standard in one region may be nonstandard in another, and a form that is standard by contrast with one variety (for example the language of inner-city African Americans) may be considered nonstandard by contrast with the usage of middle-class professionals. No matter how it is interpreted, however, Standard English in this sense shouldnt be regarded as being necessarily correct or unexceptionable, since it will include many kinds of language that could be faulted on various grounds, like the language of corporate memos and television advertisements or the conversations of middle-class high-school students. Thus while the term can serve a useful descriptive purpose providing the context makes its meaning clear, it shouldnt be construed as conferring any absolute positive evaluation. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th edition, 2000) What Standard English Is Not (i) It is not an arbitrary, a priori description of English, or of a form of English, devised by reference to standards of moral value, or literary merit, or supposed linguistic purity, or any other metaphysical yardstick--in short, Standard English cannot be defined or described in terms such as the best English, or literary English, or Oxford English, or BBC English.(ii) It is not defined by reference to the usage of any particular group of English-users, and especially not by reference to a social class--Standard English is not upper class English and it is encountered across the whole social spectrum, though not necessarily in equivalent use by all members of all classes.(iii) It is not statistically the most frequently occurring form of English, so that standard here does not mean most often heard.(iv) It is not imposed upon those who use it. True, its use by an individual may be largely the result of a long process of education; but Standard English is neither the product of li nguistic planning or philosophy (for example as exists for French in the deliberations of the Academie Francaise, or policies devised in similar terms for Hebrew, Irish, Welsh, Bahasa Malaysia, etc); nor is it a closely-defined norm whose use and maintenance is monitored by some quasi-official body, with penalties imposed for non-use or mis-use. Standard English evolved: it was not produced by conscious design. (Peter Strevens, What Is Standard English? RELC Journal, Singapore, 1981) Written English and Spoken English There are many grammar books, dictionaries and guides to English usage which describe and give advice on the standard English that appears in writing...[T]hese books are widely used for guidance on what constitutes standard English. However, there is often also a tendency to apply these judgments, which are about written English, to spoken English. But the norms of spoken and written language are not the same; people dont talk like books even in the most formal of situations or contexts. If you cant refer to a written norm to describe spoken language, then, as we have seen, you base your judgments on the speech of the best people, the educated or higher social classes. But basing your judgments on the usage of the educated is not without its difficulties. Speakers, even educated ones, use a variety of different forms... (Linda Thomas, Ishtla Singh, Jean Stilwell Peccei, and Jason Jones, Language, Society and Power: An Introduction. Routledge, 2004) Although Standard English is the kind of English in which all native speakers learn to read and write, most people do not actually speak it. (Peter Trudgill and Jean Hannah,à International English: A Guide to the Varieties of Standard English, 5th ed. Routledge, 2013) Standard English Is a Dialect If Standard English is not therefore a language, an accent, a style or a register, then of course we are obliged to say what it actually is. The answer is, as at least most British sociolinguists are agreed, that Standard English is a dialect...Standard English is simply one variety of English among many. It is a sub-variety of English... Historically, we can say that Standard English was selected (though of course, unlike many other languages, not by any overt or conscious decision) as the variety to become the standard variety precisely because it was the variety associated with the social group with the highest degree of power, wealth and prestige. Subsequent developments have reinforced its social character: the fact that it has been employed as the dialect of an education to which pupils, especially in earlier centuries, have had differential access depending on their social class background. (Peter Trudgill, Standard English: What It Isnââ¬â¢t, in Standard English: The Widening Debate, edited by Tony Bex and Richard J. Watts. Routledge, 1999) The Official Dialect In countries where the majority speak English as their first language one dialect is used nationally for official purposes. It is called Standard English. Standard English is the national dialect that generally appears in print. It is taught in schools, and students are expected to use it in their essays. It is the norm for dictionaries and grammars. We expect to find it in official typed communications, such as letters from government officials, solicitors, and accountants. We expect to hear it in national news broadcasts and documentary programmes on radio or television. Within each national variety the standard dialect is relatively homogeneous in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation (Sidney Greenbaum, An Introduction to English Grammar. Longman, 1991) The Grammar of Standard English The grammar of Standard English is much more stable and uniform than its pronunciation or word stock: there is remarkably little dispute about what is grammatical (in compliance with the rules of grammar) and what isnt. Of course, the small number of controversial points that there are--trouble spots like who versus whom--get all the public discussion in language columns and letters to the editor, so it may seem as if there is much turmoil; but the passions evinced over such problematic points should not obscure the fact that for the vast majority of questions about whats allowed in Standard English, the answers are clear. (Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A Students Introduction to English Grammar. Cambridge University Press, 2006) The Guardians of Standard English The so-called native speakers of standard Englishes are those people who have somehow espoused a particular set of conventions that loosely have to do with the way English has been codified and prescribed in dictionaries, grammar books and guides to good speaking and writing. This group of people includes a large number of those who, having espoused the conventions, nevertheless do not consider themselves to be excellent users of those conventions. For many of these so-called native speakers the English language is a unique entity that exists outside or beyond its users. Rather than considering themselves owners of English, users often think of themselves as guardians of something precious: they wince when they hear or read uses of English that they consider to be sub-standard, and they worry, in their letters to newspapers, that the language is becoming degraded... Those who do feel they have rights and privileges, who have a sense of ownership of the English language and who can make pronouncements about what is or is not acceptable, as well as those to whom these attributes are accorded by others, do not necessarily belong to a speech community whose members learned English in infancy. Native speakers of non-standard varieties of English, in other words, the majority of native speakers of English, have never had any real authority over Standard English and have never owned it. The actual proprietors may, after all, simply be those who have learned thoroughly how to use a standard English to enjoy the sense of empowerment that comes with it. So those who make authoritative pronouncements about a standard English are simply those who, irrespective of accidents of birth, have elevated themselves, or been elevated, to positions of authority in academe or publishing or in other public areas. Whether or not their pronouncements will continue to be accepted is another matter. (Paul Roberts, Set Us Free From Standard English. The Guardian, January 24, 2002) Toward a Definition of SE From the dozens of definitions [of Standard English] available in the literature on English, we may extract five essential characteristics. On this basis, we may define the Standard English of an English-speaking country as a minority variety (identified chiefly by its vocabulary, grammar, and orthography) which carries most prestige and is most widely understood. (David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2003) SE is a variety of English--a distinctive combination of linguistic features with a particular role to play...The linguistic features of SE are chiefly matters of grammar, vocabulary, and orthography (spelling and punctuation). It is important to note that SE is not a matter of pronunciation. . . .SE is the variety of English which carries most prestige within a country... In the words of one US linguist, SE is the English used by the powerful.The prestige attached to SE is recognized by adult members of the community, and this motivates them to recommend SE as a desirable educational target...Although SE is widely understood, it is not widely produced. Only a minority of people within a country...actually use it when they talk...Similarly, when they write--itself a minority activity--the consistent use of SE is required only in certain tasks (such as a letter to a newspaper, but not necessarily to a close friend). More than anywhere else, SE is to be found in print. The Ongoing Debate It is in fact a great pity that the standard English debate is marred by the sort of conceptual confusions and political posturings (no matter how poorly expressed) ...Forà I think there are genuine questions to be asked about what we might mean by standards in relation to speech and writing. There is a great deal to be done in this respect and proper arguments to be made, but one thing is clear for sure. The answer does not lie in some simple-minded recourse to the practice of the best authors or the admired literature of the past, valuable though that writing is. Nor does the answer reside in rules for speech laid down by either the educated of any official body held to be able to guarantee spoken correctness. The answers to the real questions will be found to be much more complex, difficult and challenging than those currently on offer. For these reasons they might be more successful. (Tony Crowley, Curiouser and Curiouser: Falling Standards in the Standard English Debate, in Standard English: The Widening Debate, edited by Tony Bex and Richard J. Watts. Routledge, 1999)
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Marlon Brando, Littlefeather, and the Academy Awards
The social turbulence of the 1970s was a time of much-needed change in Indian country. Native American people were in the bottom strata of all socioeconomic indicators, and it was clear to American Indian youth that change was not going to happen without dramatic action. Then came Marlon Brando to bring it all to center stageà ââ¬â quite literally. A Time of Unrest The Alcatraz Island occupation was two years in the past by March of 1973. Indian activists had taken over the Bureau of Indian Affairs building the year before and the siege of Wounded Knee was underway in South Dakota. Meanwhile, the Vietnam War showed no end in sight despite massive protests. No one was without an opinion and some Hollywood stars are remembered for the stands they would take, even if they were unpopular and controversial. Marlon Brando was one of those stars. The American Indian Movement AIMà came about thanks to Native American college students in the cities and activists on the reservations who understood all too well that the conditions they were living under were a result of oppressive government policies. Attempts were made at non-violent protests ââ¬â the Alcatraz occupation was completely nonviolent although it lasted well over a year ââ¬â but there were times when violence seemed like the only way to bring attention to the problem. Tensions came to a head on the Oglala Lakotaà Pine Ridge reservation in February 1973. A group of heavily-armed Oglala Lakota and their American Indian Movement supporters overtook a trading post in the town of Wounded Knee, the site of the 1890 massacre. Demanding a regime change from the U.S.-backed tribal government that had been mistreating the reservations residents for years, the occupiers found themselves in a 71-day armed battle against the FBI and the U.S. Marshal Service as the eyes of the nation watched on the evening news. Marlon Brando and the Academy Awards Marlon Brando had a long history of supporting various social movements dating back to at least 1946 when he backed the Zionist movement for a Jewish homeland. He had also participated in the March on Washington in 1963 and he supported the work of Dr. Martin Luther King. He was even known to have donated money to the Black Panthers. Later, however, he became critical of Israel and supported the Palestinian cause. Brando was also highly dissatisfied with the way Hollywood treated American Indians. He objected to the way Native Americans were represented in the movies. When he was nominated for an Oscar for his infamous portrayal of Don Corleone in The Godfather, he refused to attend the ceremony. He instead sent Sacheen Littlefeather (born Marie Cruz), a young Apache/Yaqui activist who had participated in the Alcatraz Island occupation. Littlefeather was a budding model and actress, and she agreed to represent him. When Brando was announced as the winner, Littlefeather took the stage dressed in full native regalia. She delivered a short speech on behalf of Brando declining acceptance of the award. He had actually written a 15-page speech explaining his reasons, but Littlefeather later said that she had been threatened with arrest if she attempted to read the entire speech. Instead, she was given 60 seconds. All she was able to say was: Marlon Brando has asked me to tell you, in a very long speech which I cannot share with you presently because of time but I will be glad to share with the press afterward, that he must ... very regretfully cannot accept this very generous award.And the reason [sic] for this being ... are the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry â⬠¦ excuse meâ⬠¦ and on television in movie reruns, and also the recent happenings at Wounded Knee.I beg at this time that I have not intruded upon this evening and that we will, in the future ... our hearts and our understanding will meet with love and generosity.Thank you on behalf of Marlon Brando. The crowd cheered and booed. The speech was shared at a press conference after the ceremony and was published in its entirety by the New York Times. The Full Speech Native Americans had virtually no representation in the film industry in 1973, and they were primarily used as extras while lead roles depicting Indians in several generations of Westerns were almost always awarded to white actors. Brandos speech addressed the stereotypes of Native Americans in films long before the subject would be taken seriously in the industry. In his original speech as printed by the New York Times, Brando said: Perhaps at this moment you are saying to yourself what the hell has all this got to do with the Academy Awards? Why is this woman standing up here, ruining our evening, invading our lives with things that dont concern us, and that we dont care about? Wasting our time and money and intruding in our homes.I think the answer to those unspoken questions is that the motion picture community has been as responsible as any for degrading the Indian and making a mockery of his character, describing his as savage, hostile and evil. Its hard enough for children to grow up in this world. When Indian children watch television, and they watch films, and when they see their race depicted as they are in films, their minds become injured in ways we can never know. True to his political sensibilities, Brando also minced no words about Americas treatment of American Indians: For 200 years we have said to the Indian people who are fighting for their land, their life, their families and their right to be free: Lay down your arms, my friends, and then we will remain together ...When they laid down their arms, we murdered them. We lied to them. We cheated them out of their lands. We starved them into signing fraudulent agreements that we called treaties which we never kept. We turned them into beggars on a continent that gave life for as long as life can remember. And by any interpretation of history, however twisted, we did not do right. We were not lawful nor were we just in what we did. For them, we do not have to restore these people, we do not have to live up to some agreements, because it is given to us by virtue of our power to attack the rights of others, to take their property, to take their lives when they are trying to defend their land and liberty, and to make their virtues a crime and our own vices virtues. Sacheen Littlefeather Sacheen Littlefeather received phone calls from Coretta Scott King and Cesar Chavez as a result of her intervention at the Academy Awards, congratulating her for what shed done. But she also received death threats and was lied about in the media, including allegations that she wasnt Indian. She was blacklisted in Hollywood. Her speech made her famous literally overnight and her fame would be exploited by Playboy magazine. Littlefeather and a handful of other Native American women had posed for Playboy in 1972, but the photos were never been published until October 1973, not long after the Academy Awards incident. She had no legal recourse to contest their publication because she had signed a model release. Littlefeather has long been an accepted and highly respected member of the Native American community despite lingering speculation about her identity. She continued her social justice work for Native Americans from her home in the San Francisco Bay area and worked as an advocate for Native American AIDS patients. She committed herself to other health education work as well and worked with Mother Theresa doing hospice care for AIDS patients.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Mariana Trench Facts and Location
The Mariana Trench (also called the Marianas Trench) is the deepest part of the ocean. This trench lies in an area where two of the Earths plates (the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Plate) come together. The Pacific plate dives under the Philippine plate, which also partially gets pulled along. It is also thought that water can be carried with it, and may contribute to strong earthquakes by hydrating rock and lubricating the plates, which might lead to a sudden slip. There are many trenches in the ocean, but because of the location of this trench, it is the deepest. The Mariana Trench is located in an area of old seafloor that is made up of lava, which is dense and causes the seafloor to settle further. Since the trench is so far away from any rivers, it does not get filled with sediment like many other oceanic trenches. This also contributes to its extreme depth. Where Is the Mariana Trench? The Mariana Trench is located in the western Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and about 120 miles east of the Mariana Islands. In 2009, President Bush declared the area surrounding Mariana Trench as a wildlife refuge, called the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument. It covers approximately 95,216 square miles. Size The trench is 1,554 miles long and 44 miles wide. The trench is more than five times wider than it is deep. The deepest point of the trench is known as the Challenger Deep. It is almost seven miles (over 36,000 feet) deep and it is a bathtub-shaped depression. The trench is so deep that at the bottom, the water pressure is eight tons per square inch. Water Temperature The water temperature in the deepest part of the ocean is a chilly 33-39 degrees Fahrenheit, just above freezing. Life in the Trench The bottom of deep areas like the Mariana Trench is composed of an ooze made up of the shells of plankton. While the trench and areas like it havent been fully explored, we know that there are organisms that can survive at this depthà ââ¬âà including bacteria, microorganisms, protists, foraminifera, xenophyophores, shrimp-like amphipods, and possibly even some fish. Exploring the Trench The first trip to the Challenger Deep was made by Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh in 1960. They didnt spend much time at the bottom and couldnt see much, as their sub kicked up too much sediment, but they did report seeing some flatfish. Voyages to the Mariana Trench have been made since then to map the area and collect samples, but humans had not been to the deepest point in the trench until 2012. In March 2012, James Cameron successfully completed the first solo human mission to the Challenger Deep. Sources Jackson, Nicholas. Racing to the Bottom: Exploring the Deepest Point on Earth. Technology, The Atlantic, July 26, 2011. Lovett, Richard A. How the Mariana Trench Became the Earths Deepest Point. National Geographic News. National Geographic Partners, LLC, April 7, 2012. Mariana Trench. National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, June 12, 2019.à New View of the Deepest Trench. NASA Earth Observatory. EOS Project Science Office, 2010. Oskin, Becky. Mariana Trench: The Deepest Depths. Planet Earth. LiveScience, Future US, Inc., December 6, 2017, New York, NY.à Understanding Plate Motions.ï » ¿ USGS, U.S. Department of the Interior, September 15, 2014. Washington University in St. Louis. Seismic survey at the Mariana trench will follow water dragged down into the Earths mantle. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, March 22, 2012.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact Of Accounting And Information Technology
IMPACT OF ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Application of basic accounting theory is based on financial accounting practices used in the formation of a series of methods of the theory, mainly the development and implementation of accounting practice norms, is to guide and constrain accounting standards, the basis for evaluation of accounting. The development of accounting and information technology has given an impact to the accounting objectives, accounting assumptions and accounting information technology. Accounting objective refers to certain social conditions, the accounting requirements and standards to be achieved. Accounting objective is to determine the direction of the development of accounting practice factor, is the ultimate, the required accounting purposes. Goal is to specific accounting functions, with the external environment changes, the goal will change the accounting, and the accounting of the specific functions will also be further developed. In the accounting information age, the basic objective of accounting is still improving economic efficiency; the specific objective is to provide decision-useful information users of accounting information. The goal is to provide financial accounting reports to investors, creditors, governments and relevant departments and the general public to provide and the financial position, operating results and cash flows and other relevant accounting information to reflect the fulfillment of fiduciary duties ofShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Information Technology On Accounting Activities1051 Words à |à 5 Pagessociety, Accounting has experienced approximately several stages. In theses stages, the development of advance technology for accounting is so important that its influence could not be overlooked. 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Accounting 2101 Final - 1340 Words
1.) A company is considering the following alternatives: Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Revenues $120,000 $120,000 Variable Costs $60,000 $60,000 Fixed Costs $35,000 $35,000 Which of the following are relevant in choosing between the alternatives? 2.) Adler Company manufactures a product with the following costs: Unit Variable Cost $50 Unit Fixed Cost $24 Total Cost Per unit $74 The company normally sells 10,000 units at a price of $88 each. Adler has a one-time opportunity to sell an additional 3,000 units at $70 each in a foreign market, which would not affect its present sales. If the company has sufficient capacity to produce the additional units, acceptance of the special order would affect net income as follows:â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦exclusive projects which have the following financial characteristics: Project A Project B Net present value $50,000 $75,000 Initial investment $200,000 $400,000 Project life 4 years 4 years Which project will be accepted? 18.) Hingis Hardware is evaluating a new retail location and its accountants have prepared some information for your review. Their analysis has established that the new location will costs $1,500,000 and generate net present value of $100,000 using a discount rate of 10%. What is the profitability index for this project? 19.) Ruano, Inc. is analyzing the acquisition of new equipment, which will cost $50,000. Accountants have determined that this equipment will have a five-year useful life, and in each year generate net income of $12,800 and operating cash flow of $14,200. The company requires a 10% return on invested capital. What is the approximate IRR of this equipment acquisition? 20.) In most cases, prices are set by the 21.) Which of the following is not considered a limitation of cost-plus pricing? 22.) Downing company produces a high-resolution computer monitor. The following information is available for this product: Fixed cost per unit $50 Variable cost per unit $150 Total cost per unit $200 Downing expects to sell 10,000 units per year. The company has decided to price its monitors to earn a 14% return on its investment ofShow MoreRelatedInternal Revenue Code 1939278050 Words à |à 1113 Pages Sec. Sec. Sec. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. IVââ¬â ACCOUNTING PERIODS AND METHODS General rule. Period in which items of gross income included. Period for which deductions and credits taken. Installment basis. Allocation of income and deductions. Change of accounting period. Returns for a period of less than twelve months. Definitions. OF ACCOUNTING PART Vââ¬â RETURNS AND PAYMENT OF TAX Individual returns. Corporation returns. Time and place for filingRead MoreIssues and Trends in the Automotive Industry: Implications for Eastern Ontario14151 Words à |à 57 Pagesrequirements for customs clearance Eliminating the need for importers to transmit data for each transaction Dedicating lanes for FAST clearances Reducing the rate of border examinations Verifying trade compliance away from the border Streamlining accounting and payment processes for all goods imported by approved importers (Canada only) FAST is currently available at the following 5 Ontario/US border crossings: â⬠¢ â⬠¢ â⬠¢ â⬠¢ â⬠¢ Lansdowne, Ontario / Alexandria Bay, New York Queenston, Ontario / LewistonRead MoreFundamentals of Corporate Finance 9e82683 Words à |à 331 Pages Chapter 02 - Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow Chapter 02 Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow Answer Key Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which one of the following is the financial statement that shows the accounting value of a firm s equity as of a particular date? A. income statement B. creditor s statement C. balance sheet D. statement of cash flows E. dividend statement Refer to section 2.1 AACSB: N/A Bloom s: Knowledge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objective:Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words à |à 1056 PagesTeams Reliability 171 Validity 171 Content Validity 171 Construct Validity 172 Criterion-Related Validity 172 Recruiting: A Global Perspective 146 DID YOU KNOW?: Posting Online Rà ©sumà ©s 147 Your Own Job Search 147 Preparing Your Rà ©sumà © 148 Some Final Remarks 149 Summary 149 Demonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 150 Key Terms 150 151 HRM Workshop 170 Key Elements for Successful Predictors 170 Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion Questions 151 Developing Diagnostic and AnalyticalRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words à |à 1792 Pages 20 ââ¬Ëââ¬Ë(3) TIME FOR ADOPTION.ââ¬âNot later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this section, 22 the Secretary shall adopt standards under this sec- 23 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BILLS 21 tion by interim, final rule. â⬠¢HR 3962 IH VerDate Nov 24 2008 12:56 Oct 30, 2009 Jkt 089200 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H3962.IH H3962 79 1 ââ¬Ëââ¬Ë(4) REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC 2 ARDS.ââ¬âThe 3 STAND- developed
Need of Budget and Process Samples for Students â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Need of Budget and Process. Answer: A budget is a statement containing the estimated revenue (incomes) and expenses (costs) over a particular period of time (DRURY, 2013). It helps in ensuring the availability of funds whenever funds are required. Budgets are the most important part of future financial planning. It basically helps in keeping a proper track of all the spending of the budget making person or organization thereby managing their cash flows. Need of budget: To meet the financial goals: Without a concrete budget plan a person or a business organization might spend their funds in activities that are not so necessary consequently ending up with shortage of funds for the necessary areas. Thus, it helps in appropriate distribution of funds to achieve the key financial goals. To take sound economic decisions: Budgets provides the true picture of the financial position of an entity, thereby enabling them to prioritize the needs according to the funds possessed by them. To evaluate the overall spending or performance Budgets helps in evaluating the performance by comparing actual results with the planned results. If excessive funds are used in comparison to the budget plans than it will help in preventing wastage of funds in future. The roles and responsibilities of a budget manager in an organization The basic responsibility of budget manager is to ensure that the resources of the organization are appropriately distributed between the various departments and they are adequately utilized and safeguarded in accordance with the budgeted plans. The other responsibilities are: To prepare the statement of budgets periodically and revise them according to the changing needs of organizational environment of the company. Evaluate the actual results by comparing them with the budgeted plans so as to understand the root causes of over spending of resources of the company, if any (Ahid Augustine, 2012). Following aspects must be changed in the budgeting process: The budgets must not be very rigid to follow and therefore, a budget must be prepared in such a way that if any changes are required as per the organizational processes and policies, they can be incorporated. The implementation of budget is the most important aspect of the budgeting process where the budgeted plan must be communicated adequately among all the organizational personnel so that they can carry out the business operations in accordance with the budgeted plans. Moreover, a budget must be monitored and revised within reasonable time intervals so that any change whether internal or external can be taken into consideration while carrying out the business activities. References: Ahid, M. Augustine, A., 2012, The Roles and Responsibilities of Management Accountants in the Era of Globalization, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 12(15), pp. 43-53. DRURY, C.M., 2013.Management and cost accounting. Springer.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leadership of Healthcare Professionals
Question: Discuss about the Leadership of Healthcare Professionals? Answer: Introduction Strategic leadership refers to the potential of manager to express strategic vision and motivating peers for acquiring that vision. There are different leadership approaches in an organization that helps in managing change and ambiguities by providing a sense of direction. The report states the importance, methods of alignment and principles of effective communication of strategies in an organization (Ginter, Duncan Swayne, 2013). Importance of strategic leadership and methods Strategic leadership is important in the healthcare sector because there is a significant and rapid change in both national and international dimensions. The political, legal and technological changes quickly influence the health care sector that changes the sector radically. The healthcare leaders need to adapt strategic leadership as individuals as well as an industry so that they can handle complex and uncertain situations (Ginter, Duncan Swayne, 2013). A few methods or approaches for strategic leadership in the healthcare sector that can be followed are transformational leadership, collaborative leadership, shared leadership, distributed leadership and ethical leadership. The transformational leadership in healthcare sector helps in communicating the organizational vision and mission and motivating the performance of workers. Through collaborative leadership, the co-workers share knowledge and experiences and reduce the level of complexity (VanVactor, 2012). Shared leadership empowers decision making process thereby improving patient care outcomes. Distributed leadership necessitates initiative and responsibility among workers in the healthcare sector. Through ethical leadership, the intentions, behaviors and values of the leader intends no harm while respecting rights of all stakeholders (Al-Sawai, 2013). Methods of alignment of individual mission, vision, and goals of organization Two methods may be used by the leader to align individual goals, mission, and vision of the organization: People-centric method and Organization-centric method. People Centric method is an old fashioned way of aligning individual goals with organizational goals. The process initiates with CEO setting the goals for the organization. Next, the managers reporting to the CEO establishes performance goals in linkage with CEOs plan. Lastly, this process cascades throughout the management hierarchy until the individuals link their goals with the manager. This method may break a chain of goals is a person is promoted or terminated (Dwyer Hopwood, 2013). The organization-centric method is a current process followed in the organizations for increasing employee engagement. This method parallels with existing budgeting process and business plan thereby reducing administrative burden. The process initiates with defining objectives for the organizations. Next, the departments of the organization may set goals for supporting organizational goals. Finally, this helps in linking the employee goals to the organizational objectives directly. This method helps in easy tracking and communication of progress around the organization (Harrington Voehl, 2012). Effective communication strategies There are effective strategies that may be followed by a leader while communicating vision and strategy to the employees. The first step is to map the present situation by aligning the organizations business. The present situation can be determined through SWOT analysis. Secondly, interviews may be set up with internal and external stakeholders for learning their priorities. Thirdly, the elements of an idealized future may be envisioned by offering specific details. Fourthly, the vision elements may be prioritized by assessing current performance in comparison with relative importance (Rasmussen, Mylonas Beck, 2012). Fifthly, actionable objectives may be developed by turning the vision elements. This would help in increasing employee engagement. Sixthly, the potential strategies and tactics may be developed by creating sub-teams and brainstorming sessions. Seventhly, the metrics, responsibilities and timelines may be defined for measuring success and growth. Eighthly, planning sessions and ideas generated may be integrated and consolidated with the team. Lastly, the plan must be put into action. It involves a continuous process of measurement, re-evaluation and re-strategizing (Harvard Business Review, 2011). Alignment with the internal and external environments The internal environment of an organization influences the organizational decisions, activities, attitudes and employee behavior. The external environment such as competition, customers, technology, politics and social conditions influence the organization. It is important for the organization to achieve effective strategic fit so that the organisation and its environment can be aligned (Anderson, 2011). The internal environment can be aligned with organizational culture through the SWOT analytic tool. This tool considers the financial, human and core competencies of the organisation in the form of strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. The unique selling points, things that cannot be coped up with, opportunities that may arise and potential threats can be prepared for a brainstorming session (Harrison, 2011). The external environment can be aligned with organizational culture through the PESTLE analytic tool. The laws and standards, impact of exchange rates, technological advances, changing attitudes, environmental impact and legality may be formed through secondary data analysis (Griffin, 2012). Financial forecasts to guide organizational leadership The purpose of the financial forecast is to evaluate the current and fiscal conditions for making decisions in the organization. The financial forecasts help in identifying future and expenditure trends that have an immediate or long-term impact on strategic goals, policies or services of an organization. The financial forecast guides the leader in making organizational decisions through a few business principles (, 2016). A net financial result may be attained thereby anticipating new risks and opportunities for the future. Financial forecasting would also help in determining risk. The organization may develop new revenue streams for sustaining and developing capacities. Financial forecasts would also help in anticipating and resolving cash flow issues thereby simplifying organizational leadership. Financial leadership is fundamental to the role and cannot be fully delegated. These principles will help executive directors adapt to the demands of the changing environment and maintain the balance needed for mission impact and sustained financial health (Barr et al., 2011). Conclusion There are various strategies and principles that are required by a strategic leader for strengthening the organization. A strategic leader ensures that appropriate methodologies, approaches and principles are applied for achieving organizational effectiveness. Financial forecasts guide organizational leadership and sustainability. It is critical to adapt strategic leadership so that the managers can handle complex and uncertain situations. References Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of Healthcare Professionals: Where Do We Stand?.Oman Medical Journal,28(4), 285-287. Anderson, D. (2011).Organization development. Los Angeles: Sage. Barr, K., Bell, J., Kate, M., Jeanne, M., Zimmerman, S., McCambridge, R. (2011).An Executive Directors Guide to Financial Leadership.Nonprofit Quarterly. Retrieved 23 February 2016, from Dwyer, J., Hopwood, N. (2013).Management strategies and skills. North Ryde, N.S.W.: McGraw-Hill Australia.,. (2016).Financial Forecasting in the Budget Preparation Process | Government Finance Officers Association. Retrieved 23 February 2016, from Ginter, P., Duncan, W., Swayne, L. (2013).Strategic management of health care organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Wiley. Griffin, R. (2012).Management fundamentals. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning. Harrington, H., Voehl, F. (2012).The Organizational alignment handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Harrison, A. (2011).Business environment in a global context. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press. Harvard Business Review,. 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